Friday, August 19, 2005

Sweet Home…Kentucky, Where the skies are so blue…

Last night a commercial came on for KFC (I guess still standing for “Kentucky Fried Chicken”), but the background music without lyrics was unmistakably, “Sweet Home Alabama.” I guess there’s a little identity crisis in the marketing department. Or, maybe it’s now acceptable to send out a mixed message, confusing communication, or perplexing point of view. I’m not sure KFC remembers who they are.

What about Christians? The church?

I’ve said it before in different places and various contexts that I think that much of religion today, Christianity specifically, is schizophrenic. Put more plainly, I really don’t think we know who we are. More times than not, we choose our religious associations based on what we’re not, rather than what we are, what we embrace, or what we embody.

Too many times, the “commercial” that advertises who we are shows one thing yet has the background music that tells a different story.


Anonymous said...

Wow... I've seen that commercial many times and have never made that connection! You must have been searching for an illustration for something or really wanted to post... :) j/k ..Definantly a great point. One that Christians do need to hear often.

Anonymous said...

and by the way... you can do something about the whole 'overweight golden retriever thing...' :)

jinglchelle said...

i need to start reading this blog.

by the way, thanks for the assistance with the speech today!